Grazing for Resilience: An Immersive Land & Livestock Discovery Experience
Intensives, Past Programs shepherdess Intensives, Past Programs shepherdess

Grazing for Resilience: An Immersive Land & Livestock Discovery Experience

Join us for an immersive 5-day experience where you'll learn about land, animal and ecosystem stewardship with ruminants, small and large (sheep, goats and cows). Hosted by Grazing School of the West and New Cowgirl Camp, this camp intensive offers joyful and communal hands-on training in thoughtful ranching and livestock & land management. 

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Shepherd Bootcamp Intensive
Intensives, Past Programs shepherdess Intensives, Past Programs shepherdess

Shepherd Bootcamp Intensive

4 days of boots-on-the-ground instruction with nutritious food catered by our local culinary heroes in one of the most beautiful places you could imagine in southern California. Hosted in partnership with Shepherdess Land & Livestock, these immersive learning experiences allow both new agrarians and established operators to dive into the theory, practice and business of prescribed grazing.

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